
Yes the name is a reference to the great book by Julian Hatcher – Hatcher’s Notebook.  It was one of the first books I read that dealt with firearms and firearms testing following a scientific method.  His tools and process may appear antiquated to us.  But he actually put his theories to the test.  To many people today talk (or type) with little experience.  Hatcher gained his experience through hard work.  Take the time to search the web, you can find Hatcher’s Notebook available for free.

This is an attempt to share some of the various parts of the firearms culture that I enjoy.  It will be a roller coaster ride sometimes.  I have a variety of interests and sometimes new shiny objects can cause a distraction.

From  30 years  of being around guns, shooting, hunting, competitive shooting and gun showI have, I have built a wide range of experiences.  My Dad took me down this road and most of the things I learned, we learned together.

  • As a shooter I now enjoy going to the range and playing with the toys that interest me at the moment.  I am not a competitive shooter, so I am not trying to have a gun qualify for a Benchrest Class or meet the trigger pull requirement for a Stock Division pistol.  To losely quote Towsend Whelen – Only accurate guns are interesting
  • As a collector I have a fondness for Pre-WWII sporters, preferably built on 1903 Springfield actions. Second would be single shots from the Schuetzen Era.  The workmanship of these rifles has only recently been equalled by the custom makers.  With prices constantly escalating for these pieces, I try to recreate those pieces I will never afford.
  • As a consumer I enjoy seeing the incredible amount of new and diverse products that have some to the market in the last decade.  Having worked in a local, family owned gun shop in the late 80s/early 90s the quality and diversity of products today is just amazing.  I will highlight those product launches that catch my attention.

I realize that my thoughts are not the norm.  To me, the next project is always the most interesting.  Being challenged by the next build or test is what gets my energy flowing.  So these page are to share the past, current and future projects.

BTW – I will stay away from any politics on this site, there are plenty of other places for that.

I know many others have gone down this path.  We will see how long I can go!

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